Given the following information and situations, fill in the required parts within the Form 1040. You need NOT consider other tax forms (eg, Schedule A, Schedule B) • Benjamin is single and his annual salary is $50,000 His company withholds 55,935 of
• Benjamin's salary for federal income Taxes. Benjamin received interest of $1,000 on City of Boston bond
• He sold a stock during the year and realized a loss of $5,000. The stock was acquired four years ago.
• Benjamin has no itemized deduction
Required Enter the appropriate nutaber for the following items in Form 1040 Please submit yourForm 1040 along with the exam. Make sure your 1040 bas numbers. Any blank form will receive zero credits.
• Line 1 ("Wages, salaries, tips, etc.")
• Line 28 ("Tax-exempt interest") and 26 (Taxable interes")
• Line 7("Capital gain or (lossy) Line 9("Total income")
• Line 11 (Adgated gross income")
• Line 12a (Standard deduction or itemized deductions) Line 15 (Taxable income)
• Line 16 Tas")
• Line 25s (Federal income tax withheld from Form W-2
• Lane 34 ("The amount you overpaid)